
People are at the centre of everything we do: we are committed to fair working conditions, diversity and the promotion of social values - within our own company and along the entire supply chain.

Social responsibility

Bürkle GmbH is a friendly and family-friendly employer in the region. The style of our company is characterised by a cooperative partnership between management, employees and customers. A constant constructive dialogue with customers to further optimise products is the driving force behind Bürkle's steady growth. Appreciation and authenticity are very important to us, work-life balance is a living culture.

Working conditions

It is important for us not only to provide an attractive workplace, but also a place and space for interpersonal contact, communication and collaboration. With the contribution of each individual, a pleasant working atmosphere is created. This in turn is an essential prerequisite for the best possible performance - our basis for healthy growth.
In line with the motto "Development is only possible in a healthy company", we challenge and encourage our employees. We organise and design our work in such a way that all employees can decide and shape as much as possible on their own responsibility. We know that the basis for satisfying work is a high degree of independence and personal responsibility. All employees should be given the opportunity to be deployed or be able to deploy themselves according to their qualifications, commitment and skills.
In this way, we make a decisive contribution to the sustainable success of the company and the future viability of Bürkle GmbH.

Our mission statement

All employees utilise their knowledge and skills efficiently and loyally at work and in the team. In each specific situation, the choice of resources is made professionally and appropriately with the aim of acting well and promisingly in line with the corporate strategy.
In everything we do, we are committed to respecting the rights of each individual, promoting the common good and protecting our environment. Internally, fairness means honouring, respecting and promoting all employees to the best of our ability. Towards suppliers and customers, a fair partnership based on truth and honesty is the basis of our co-operation.
Even in difficult, crisis-ridden situations, all employees are called upon to hold on to what is good, tried and true in order to overcome resistance and overcome challenges within the framework of our company community.
We are mindful in everything we do and always seek a balance between "too much" and "too little" so that our actions lead to a good, meaningful goal. Prudent teamwork, characterised by free action, brings us the success and professional affirmation that everyone needs.
In our communication, we promote dialogue through open, tactful and respectful interaction with one another, in the firm conviction that we can only achieve our corporate goals by working together.
The employees of Bürkle GmbH undertake to orientate themselves together with the management on this mission statement and to actively develop it further.

Human rights, child labour, forced labour

As a family-friendly company, respecting the rights of our employees within the organisation is a matter of course for us. Diversity and equal opportunities for all employees are binding basic principles for us based on a Christian view of humanity, which we implement in our daily actions. We regard all people as fundamentally equal, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion and/or ideology, disability, age and/or sexual identity. The HR department and the sustainability department continuously monitor employee rights. Necessary measures to ensure compliance with employee rights are planned by HR management and implemented in consultation with the management.
Bürkle GmbH is a company based in Germany that naturally complies with the applicable standards, laws and regulations.
All employees of Bürkle GmbH undertake to comply with the Code of Conduct, which is anchored in our internal regulations and is issued to every employee together with their employment contract. In particular, any form of discrimination is prohibited.
We have defined binding standards on the subject of human rights with our business partners and suppliers. We only want to work with partners and suppliers who accept our defined standards and protect and improve the rights of their employees.
Our general Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). As a regionally rooted and family-run company, we insist on a general ban on forced labour, child labour and any form of discrimination against employees. We only want to work with suppliers who confirm our Code of Conduct in writing and thus recognise our defined standards on human rights, child labour and health and safety. We reserve the right to impose appropriate sanctions in the event of gross violations of our standards.

EcoVadis sustainability rating

Bürkle was awarded the EcoVadis gold medal for sustainability, placing it in the top 5% of all companies assessed - and even in the top 2% in our industry.


In the area of labour & human rights, we have achieved Advanced status with 80/100 points.



Bürkle GmbH is not bound by collective labour agreements. It is the individual organisation of a customised company remuneration system. It is based on an individualised system of requirements and skills that takes decisive factors into account. The company's value philosophy provides for fair remuneration for the same position and qualifications, regardless of gender or ethnic origin. This results in a remuneration structure that makes business sense and is comprehensible to employees when compared with current remuneration and the definition of an adjustment path. The resulting advantages outweigh the disadvantages for us, e.g.

  • 100% individuality
  • Solution to the allocation problem through a system with seamless transitions
  • High degree of fairness across positions and employees, both horizontally and vertically
  • Strong effects on employee loyalty internally and employer attractiveness externally
  • Solution to the legal requirement for equal pay and pay transparency


Remuneration is reviewed annually in consultation with the management and HR management on the basis of defined criteria and adjusted if necessary.
In addition, Bürkle offers all employees attractive supplementary insurance policies, a benefits-in-kind card that is topped up monthly and generous bonuses for service anniversaries every five years. Furthermore, bonuses are paid for suggestions for improvement and employee recruitment.

Working hours

Bürkle offers its employees flexible working time models. There are flexitime arrangements and part-time models. There is also the option of mobile working in the administration department.
In contrast to many other companies, Bürkle regularly works single shifts. Every employee has been entitled to 35 days' holiday since 2023. Special leave days are granted for special achievements. There are also time credits for doctor's appointments that the employee could only attend during working hours, or if they come to work later or have to leave earlier due to illness.
Overtime is generally not desired and is avoided wherever possible in order to prevent overwork. If, in exceptional situations, overtime is nevertheless incurred, it is reduced promptly or, in exceptional cases, paid out. Bürkle's philosophy is to demand full performance from employees during the contractually agreed working hours, but to allow the necessary rest and recuperation periods or private time afterwards.

UN Global Compact

We are pleased to announce that Bürkle has joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC). This commitment marks a significant step in our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Prohibition of discrimination and freedom of expression

In our view, diversity and the associated equal opportunities for all employees are not only what make our medium-sized, family-friendly training company unique. We are also convinced that they strengthen our competitive advantage. Diversity offers the opportunity for innovation, the further development of our corporate culture and sustainable growth in the development and manufacture of products that meet the needs of our customers. With this in mind, we work together to create a pleasant working environment and culture for all employees, which helps us to tackle and overcome difficult challenges as a team in constructive cooperation.
We aim to ensure equal opportunities as part of our applicant management process. The selection criteria for new employees are independent of ethnic origin, gender, religion and/or ideology, disability, age and/or sexual identity. We respect all people and their privacy. We respect and protect the dignity of our employees.
We offer all employees equal employment opportunities and fair and appropriate remuneration. Our internal regulations make it clear that discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation is not tolerated. This applies both internally and externally.
No form of discrimination or harassment is tolerated at Bürkle GmbH. Offences will be punished. Employees affected by discrimination deserve our protection. We are guided by the applicable General Equal Treatment Acts, which are linked on the intranet and can therefore be viewed by everyone at any time.
Any discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual identity is prohibited.
If an employee is discriminated against or harassed on the above grounds, he/she has the option of contacting the management. It should be noted that he/she must assert any actual damage caused by the discrimination in writing to the employer within 2 months of the incident in accordance with § 15 IV AGG.
If the complaint is justified, all necessary measures will be taken to end the discrimination and prevent it from recurring.

Employees who express or behave in a discriminatory manner or who sexually, psychologically or physically harass or coerce other employees must expect consequences under labour law, including dismissal without notice or termination of the employment relationship.
Bürkle GmbH is based in Germany and produces exclusively in Germany. Article 5 of the Basic Law is therefore binding for us. The protection and preservation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression are a matter of course for us.

Health protection and occupational safety

Occupational health and safety for our employees is an important part of the corporate culture at Bürkle. The statutory requirements and the concerns of our employees are discussed at quarterly meetings of the occupational safety committee and appropriate measures are discussed. This committee is made up of the occupational safety officers, a representative of the HR department and the (external) occupational safety specialist.
As part of our integrated occupational health and safety management system, regular risk assessments are carried out on the health and safety of employees and the risks identified are evaluated. These processes are controlled and monitored by our integrated quality management system in collaboration with the (external) occupational health and safety specialist and the (external) company doctor.
In order to maintain the health of our employees, workplace inspections are carried out at regular intervals, but at least every two years, by a company doctor or an occupational health and safety specialist.
The occupational medical examinations of employees are carried out regularly by a contractually bound company doctor in accordance with legal requirements.
Vaccinations to protect against work-related infectious diseases are also offered free of charge as part of this programme. The medical examinations and vaccinations are carried out directly by the company doctor.
All employees are instructed on occupational safety topics once a year by the occupational safety specialist. As part of the instruction on occupational safety, the company doctor or hygiene officer provides instruction on infection prevention.
The management of Bürkle GmbH always complies with the relevant laws and regulations applicable in Germany.

Civic engagement

As a family-friendly company based in the border triangle of Germany, France and Switzerland, we have close ties with the south-west region. Social and economic developments in the country and the region should be promoted as far as possible. This also includes supporting corresponding voluntary activities by employees.
As a matter of course, we support numerous charitable projects in our region, as well as local sports clubs, for example, and sponsor one-off events in the immediate vicinity.

Sustainable procurement

Environmentally friendly materials, fair partnerships and transparency

By selecting environmentally friendly materials, fair partnerships and transparency, we create sustainable added value along the entire supply chain - for a future that puts people and the environment at the centre.

Risk assessment during supplier evaluation

It is important to Bürkle GmbH to work with suppliers who are aware of their social responsibility. For this reason, we have established a risk management system for the supply chain. We carry out risk analyses and check compliance with the principles and values listed in our CoC by means of self-disclosures and risk-based supplier audits on site.
We conduct risk-based supplier audits in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). An ESG platform is used to carry out risk analyses and to define and monitor preventive and corrective measures.

Discover our ESG focal points