Certifications, statements, ratings
Quality standards and continuous development
Company certificates
ISO, EcoVadis & AEO-F-Certificate

ISO 9001 : 2015 - DQS Certificate
Since 1995 Bürkle is certified according to DIN/EN ISO 9001 by the German society for the certification of quality management systems.

EcoVadis Award: Gold Medal
EcoVadis is an international sustainability assessment and intelligence suite that helps over 100,000 companies improve their sustainability performance and optimise their value chain.
We are proud to have received a gold medal for our achievements. Only the top 5% of all companies receive this award.
See also EcoVadis sustainability rating

EcoVadis Assessment
Our EcoVadis scorecard provides detailed insights into our sustainability performance in the areas of environment, ethics, labour and human rights as well as sustainable procurement. Discover how we scored over 70 points and positioned ourselves as one of the top 5% of all companies assessed.

Climate-neutral company
Through the sustainable use of resources, reduced emissions and the support of climate projects, we have been certified as a Climate Neutral Company by Fokus Zukunft. This means that we act sustainably and completely offset the CO2 emissions that we emit through our work at Bürkle.
See also Climate-neutral company

Climate-neutral shipping
We participate in the GLS KlimaProtect programme - this means that parcel shipping via General Logistics Systems Germany GmbH & Co. OHG is handled in a completely climate-neutral manner.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions
This report serves to transparently present the company's Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to our stakeholders and to explain the measures taken to reduce emissions.

Authorized Economic Operator AEO-F Certificate
Authorisation of the status of authorised economic operator in accordance with Article 38 of the Union Customs Code
Official statements of the Bürkle GmbH

Code of Conduct – for Corporate Social Responsibility
This CoC is based on a common understanding of social responsibility in business management. This means that we take responsibility by considering the economic, technological, social and environmental consequences of our business decisions and actions, and by balancing these interests.

Environment – We‘ve only got this one
The preservation of our environment and the responsible treatment of our sources of raw materials is an important aspect of Bürkle’s product and corporate philosophy. This means that we regard environmental protection as an inter disciplinary duty that affects every sector, from purchasing raw materials and manufacturing the products right through to their disposal.

Conflict Minerals – Policy Statement
In July 2010 Sec. 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act enacted supply chain reporting requirements on publicly traded companies. The requirements deals with the use of “conflict minerals“(tantalum, tin, gold and tungsten) that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country.

Information on the REACH Regulation - Lead in metal products
In accordance with the REACH regulation, we inform you that the listed products contain lead in concentration of more than 0.1 mass percent (w/w). We would like to point out that lead is an important substance for the steel and metal processing industry. This substance is often used as a component of alloys and has a positive effect on the material properties of a metal product, e.g. improved corrosion resistance or sliding properties.
Bürkle only uses lead to optimise a product if there is no suitable alternative material. However, our range also offers products made of other materials - ask us, our sales team will be happy to advise you by phone +49 (0)7635 82795-0 or info@buerkle.de.
Complaint management system
Supply chain due diligence act
Bürkle GmbH offers its employees, business partners and external third parties the option to report possible violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
Information on potential violations can be reported via our electronic platform.
for the return of goods

Safe to use – for people and the environment
The health of your employees and ours as well as environmental protection are very important for us. That’s why we’re asking you to please answer the questions in this form and attach it to the outside of your returned merchandise!